Present wrapping
I have always been usless at wrapping presents, but a couple years ago I actually did a course in present wrapping just because I thought i might learn something.

+ I had suprisinlyg lot of fun on this course I went to before christmas. The money which paid for the course was returned to me as a giftcard, and that shop has a lot of nice gifts. We also got a bottle of glögg, swedsish mulled, spiced wine that you heat up before drinking.
- I was the youngest one there which made me slightly uncomfartable, well I didn't have anything in common with them except wanting to learn how to make the presents I give away look at least decent, not something that looks like something that comes out of my trash. That I have forgotten most of it now, since this was a few years of it.
* What I learnt, I had fun and I did get quite a few tips how to make present wrapping easier and quicker. Especially the boring bottle present, if you put let's say the wine bottle in the foto above the present immideatley becomes a lot better, prettier.